Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SAFS After Hours: You're Next

First, Amber is joined by her brother and his girlfriend to discuss the 90's classics, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.

Then, Dave returns to discuss the new horror You're Next and calls for the death of shaky-cam.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

S-A Film Show: 5.15 - My Awkward Fruitvale Elysium

Tom K., Alpha, and Amber discuss "Fruitvale Station", "Elysium", "V/H/S 2" and "My Awkward Sexual Encounter"

There's also brief discussions of ensemble casting trends as Mark Millar announces Fantastic Four/X-Men Crossovers and "Expendables 3" announces it's massive cast list.

Also, the pentultimate scores of the Super Awesome Film Show Fantasy Film League. The winners will be announced during the next SAFS on September 2nd!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

After Hours w/ Amber: Maniac! / Maniac

Amber and two friends, Dave and Amy, watched the 1980 slasher movie Maniac and the 2012 remake. If you haven't seen either movie beware!! This episode may be a little spoiler-ish.
They also get into a lengthy discussion of other good/bad horror remakes and end with a debate on whether Freddy Krueger was a child murderer or child molester.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

S-A Film Show: 5.14 - Only Turbo Wolverine Forgives

This episode! Tom K., Amber, and Alpha -- lurking in the shadows -- discuss "Turbo", "Wolverine", and "Only God Forgives." ALSO! THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF "TREAT YOUR NETFLIX GOOOOOOOD!" Netflix titles include "Orange Is The New Black" and "Goon." Horrible movie news includes a venture capitalist who believes that movie theaters should leave the lights on and allow talking and wifi for live-tweeting during films and other such nonsense. There's also a shift in the totals for Fantasy Film League! SO MANY THINGS! A very solid episode if I (Tom K.) do say so myself.

Get to listenin'!